Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the most common sexual complaints among men of all ages and can affect both partners’ sexual gratification during intercourse. Many men are incredibly concerned with finding a means to an end for their premature ejaculation problem. Of course, men may suffer from premature ejaculation for a variety of reasons, including physical ailments that lower sex drive and prevent sexual stamina, as well as psychological conditions that do the same. In order to treat premature ejaculation at its source, you will need to work with your doctor to identify what factors may be causing you to be unable to build sexual stamina. You should treat these problems directly in order to cure the problem of premature ejaculation.

However, the problem is not always easy to pinpoint, and sometimes physical and mental conditions that cause premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction cannot be solved entirely. There are fortunately a variety of things you can do at home to improve your sexual stamina and help you and your partner experience more gratifying sexual encounters. Some of these home remedies include herbal supplements, diet changes and even using prescriptions like Cialis or Viagra, but here we are going to focus on physical premature ejaculation exercises, known as Kegel exercises or ‘Kegels,’ that you can do alone, as well as some that you can do with your partner during sex to help you lengthen your orgasm time. Here are five of the most effective penis related exercises for treating premature ejaculation problems:
1. The “Pause and Squeeze” method: This method is an easy exercise done during sex that includes the interaction of both partners. It can not only help prolong the time before ejaculation but can help you build more natural sexual stamina over time. In order to use this method, you need to stop intercourse when you feel the urge to orgasm. Then, have your partner wrap their hand around the base of your erection and squeeze firmly to slow blood flow to or from the penis. Your partner should keep this grip on your erection until your urge to orgasm is gone. Then, you can continue intercourse as normal. This method can be repeated as many times as you’d like.
In order to make it more natural between you and your partner during sex, consider using it as an act of foreplay type contact, and make it more appealing by kissing or touching your partner while they squeeze.
2. The “Edging” method: Edging is a type of climax control exercise that involves stopping at sexual contact once you feel the urge to orgasm. You should wait until the urge is gone completely, but not until you lose your erection, to continue intercourse. This is another method that will slowly help you build sexual stamina over time, but is preferred when the partner is uncomfortable with the pause and squeeze method.
Edging is often used by men who don’t suffer from premature ejaculation as a way to make climaxes stronger and more potent. You can repeat this process as many times as you please to control your climax.
3. Pelvic Floor Exercises: These premature ejaculation exercises involve the pelvic floor muscles, which you know are key to a healthy sex life and good sexual stamina. Increasing your pelvic floor muscle strength can help increase the time it takes you to orgasm and also increase the strength of your orgasms. In order to find the right muscles, try to stop or interrupt a stream of urine while peeing. The muscles you contract to do so are your pelvic floor muscles.

Now, lie down on the floor. Contract your pelvic floor muscles for three seconds and then relax them for three seconds. You should repeat this process at least ten times and you can do these premature ejaculation exercises several times a day. Once you know you are targeting the right muscles, these premature ejaculation exercises can be done in almost any position, like while sitting, standing, driving your car, or watching television. They are entirely discreet and super beneficial to your sexual health.
4. The “Ballooning” Method: Ballooning a penis exercise that is done alone. It is similar to edging in some ways, but many men see it as the superior exercise. Many men who suffer from premature ejaculation have reported increased sex drive and increased stamina after using the ballooning method just one time.
This method includes finding a sensitive spot on your penis. This will differ for every man so you may need to experiment to find it. Once you find that spot, rub it gently in a circular motion. Unlike edging, though, you should not stroke your penis. Rub this spot until you get a full erection, then continue until you feel the urge to orgasm. You should stop all contact before your climax, allow your erection to decrease a little, and then start again. Unlike edging, though, you are not supposed to climax at the end of the ballooning exercise. Many men use this method for up to 20 minutes a day to increase sexual stamina.
5. Top Stimulation: This is another exercise that is typically done alone, although you could always have your partner assist you. It involves stroking your penis, but only the very tip where the bulk of the nerves are located. You should stimulate the penis in quick, shallow strokes and when you feel the urge to climax building, stop immediately. This is incredibly similar to edging. The only difference is the use of only part of the penis instead of your full length. Many men prefer this method because they say it is easier to control the climax; therefore, it is often more successful in building sexual stamina. You can repeat this method over and over, as many times as you like.

All of these premature ejaculation exercises are meant to help you increase your sexual stamina, though many of them will help to increase libido as well. While some of these exercises may be slightly effective after one time, you should repeat the premature ejaculation exercises daily or several times a day in order to see the full effects. You may need to experiment to find the best exercise for you. However, when you choose a routine that works best, these exercises should help you put an end to your premature ejaculation problem and experience a more rewarding sex life with your partner.