Who would ever think that watermelon & Viagra would be in the same sentence? Believe or not, some in the health community has considered watermelon as a natural Viagra.
Let’s analyze this and see if this summertime fruit really is an erectile booster.
The Origins Of The Watermelon Viagra Claim
It is well-known that many men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) turn to prescription drugs such as Viagra to alleviate their issue. However, there are some men who turned to alternative, natural remedies to fix. This is where watermelon comes in.
The notion that watermelon can alleviate ED first came into vogue thanks to a 2008 study conducted by Texas A&M University.
The 2008 Texas A&M article
In 2008, researchers at Texas A&M allegedly discovered that watermelon has ingredients that deliver Viagra-like effects to the body’s blood vessels and may even increase libido.
Watermelon contains phytonutrients, naturally occurring compounds that are bioactive, or able to react with the human body to trigger healthy reactions. One of those phytonutrients is the reason is being considered a natural Viagra, citrulline.
Studies Supporting Citrulline As ED Treatment
Citrulline is a nonessential amino acid that has been touted for producing better, stronger erections. A 2011 study conducted by the Journal of Urology revealed that the body may convert citrulline to another amino acid, called arginine. Arginine converts into nitric oxide, a chemical known for treating ED by increasing blood flow to the penis.
A 2013 study conducted by the Journal of Sexual Medicine showed that rats suffering from ED improved erectile function after supplementing with citrulline.
Outside of those two studies, there really isn’t a ton of evidence supporting citrulline as an ED treatment. However, there was a 2017 study conducted by the Journal of Andrology that revealed that patients suffering from ED had low levels of citrulline or arginine.
Does Watermelon Viagra Really Work?
The main point of this article is determining whether watermelon is an erectile regulator. As with citrulline, there isn’t a ton of compelling evidence detailing watermelon as such. But, there is evidence! A 2014 Asian health study gathered data on rats suffering from ED. (In studies, they call it arteriogenic erectile dysfunction). Some rats were given watermelon flesh extracts as a treatment method.
Rats who consumed watermelon were more likely to mount females and start intercourse. Thus, the researchers concluded that watermelon may be a viable method to treat ED and boost libido. Side note: The rats who were given watermelon experienced no side effects or weight gain.
Real Viagra Works By Raising cGMP Levels In The Body
While it’s catchy to dub watermelon as a “natural Viagra”, both actually work differently from one another. While watermelon has being seen as not only a way to treat ED, but as a way to boost aphrodisiac. Viagra simply causes a man to get an erection, not boost sexual desire. So for Viagra to work, you have to be sexually aroused.
When you get sexually aroused, the nervous system in the erectile tissue of your penis releases nitric oxide. Next, nitric oxide stimulates an enzyme that produces something called a messenger cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP).
Real Viagra (medical termed is sildenafil nitrate) works by increasing cGMP levels in your smooth muscle cells. The enzyme cGMP then dilates the arteries in your penis, allowing adequate blood flow to the penis. This results in you having an erection.
Most men suffering from ED who take Viagra see positive results. Common side effects such as a headache and facial flushing may occur. The take-home message is you have to be sexually aroused for Viagra to be effective.
Watermelon Viagra May Work As Well As Citrulline Supplements If You Eat Enough
Some ED sufferers turn to citrulline supplements as a treatment method. As noted earlier, a study looking at citrulline supplementation on ED-suffering men yielded positive results (Note: You should only take citrulline supplements with your doctor’s consent.)
For men wanting to treat their erectile issues in a natural manner, watermelon is seen as a viable alternative. The reason for that is because watermelon provides citrulline. But does watermelon provide men enough citrulline to treat ED? It just might be.
Men with mild to moderate ED might benefit from getting citrulline via watermelon. As a byproduct of watermelon consumption, users also get a healthy dose of vitamins A and C as well as fiber and potassium.
So how much watermelon should you eat to get its “sweet” benefits? Well….no one really knows for sure. According to Bhimu Patil, the head researcher of the 2008 Texas A&M study, a four-ounce serving of watermelon contains about 150 milligrams of citrulline.
In the 2011 Urology study, older men suffering from mild ED received 1.5 grams per day of citrulline supplements. This yielded positive results. That study is really the only one conducted on humans that had any sort of association with watermelon as an ED treatment.
Going off Patil’s estimation along with the Urology study, men would need to eat ten times as much watermelon to get 1.5 grams of citrulline, or a 40-ounce serving of the fruit. That’s a lot of watermelons that you have to eat every single day!
If you really love watermelon, eating this much is doable. For most men, it will be easier to take citrulline supplement.
What Do The Watermelon Viagra Reviews Have To Say
There really aren’t many men declaring watermelon as a natural form of Viagra. However, several sex health experts have a strong stance on this claim.
Irwin Goldstein, MD (a world-renowned expert in the field of sexual medicine & editor-in-chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine) colorfully stated that watermelon being a reliable treatment for sexual dysfunction is equivalent to, “someone dropping a beer bottle in Minneapolis, where the Mississippi River starts and hoping to see it make an impact on someone in New Orleans.”
In other words, he feels that the Texas A&M study proclaiming watermelon as a treatment method for ED is false and misleading. Most other sex experts feel the same way.
Despite their sentiment, the fact is there is some research evidence suggesting that watermelon might alleviate mild-to-moderate ED. More human studies need to be conducted to verify this.
How Long Does It Take For Watermelon Viagra To Work?
With real Viagra, it takes about 30 minutes to see any noticeable effects. With watermelon, the effects likely won’t be as fast. (If any effects even occur at all)
Watermelon Viagra Would Not Work Quickly Like Regular Viagra
Viagra was specifically designed to give a man an erection. That’s why the effects of it occur so fast. With watermelon, it is not grown to fight erectile dysfunction. It is simply a fruit that provides people with several types of vitamins and minerals. It is still not known whether watermelon is truly an ED fighter.
The Citrulline Must Be Converted To Arginine
As mentioned earlier in the Journal of Urology study, the body may convert citrulline to another amino acid called arginine. Arginine then converts to nitric oxide, the chemical that’s heavily involved in producing erections.
Viagra does a great job of making the body produce enough nitric oxide to produce an erection. So for watermelon to be considered “Natural Viagra”, then the citrulline it provides must be converted into arginine.
The Arginine Must Then Convert To Nitrous Oxide To Promote An Erection
Once citrulline is converted to arginine, arginine has to convert to nitric oxide to promote an erection. The main issue for men with erectile dysfunction is the lack of nitric oxide production. Prescription drugs like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis work to help your nitric oxide stick around and accumulate in the penis to provide stronger erections.
Watermelon must provide the same benefits if it is to be deemed as a legitimate ED treatment option.
Benefits vs. Risks Of Watermelon For ED Treatment
Let’s analyze the benefits vs. risks of utilizing (or attempting to utilize) watermelon as an ED treatment option.
- Could help you alleviate ED without taking side-effect inducing prescription drugs
- Provides a high source of vitamins A and C as well as fiber and potassium
- Provides a high source of antioxidants
- If you have grass pollen allergies, you may experience an allergic reaction (e.g., skin rash)
Risks Of Heightened Blood Sugar
Another possible risk for diabetics and individuals with high blood pressure (HBD) is that watermelon raises blood sugars. Men who have either of these conditions but wish to use watermelon as ED treatment should consult if their doctor first.
It’s Always Best To Consult With Your Doctor
A diabetic or HBD sufferer should consult with your doctor before attempting to eat large amounts of watermelon (or any other fruit for that matter).
Watermelon and other fruit tend to significantly raise blood sugars. Trying to boost your sexual vigor is pointless if you cause other health problems. Overall, your doctor can determine if Watermelon Viagra is right for you.
Other Natural Treatment Options For Erectile Dysfunction
Watermelon isn’t the only natural treatment out there that supposedly alleviates ED.
Here is a list of nine natural remedies that’s also been considered ED fighters:
- Panax Ginseng (Red Ginseng)
- Rhodiola Rosea
- L-Arginine
- Acupuncture
- Yohimbe
- Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng)
- Zinc (Most ED sufferers tend to be low on zinc)
- Ginkgo biloba
Other than watermelon, plenty of other food is high in citrulline and boosts nitric oxide.
Here is a list of foods that provides plenty of citrulline:
- Garlic
- Fish and other wild seafood
- Grass-fed Meat
- Citrus fruit
- Pomegranate
- Dark chocolate (Raw cacao)
- Walnuts
- Arugula
- Spinach
- Beets
A Healthy Diet And Exercise Can Promote Penile Health

A healthy diet rich of the aforementioned foods will likely do wonders for your sexual health. In addition, staying active and exercising will encourage healthy blood flow throughout your body. This has a direct effect on your penile health and its ability to get erect.
Supplements Like Zinc And Ginseng Can Promote Testosterone Production
Zinc and the various types of ginseng can really help you achieve sexual vitality. Both may help boost testosterone production.
Cutting Out Unhealthy Habits Like Drugs And Smoking
Doing recreational drugs and smoking will put a damper on your sex life. It has been well-documented that both contribute to erectile dysfunction.
So if you’re doing either or both, then you must cut out these unhealthy habits to improve your sexual vitality. Not enough watermelon in the world will save your sex life if you don’t.
Final Word
Watermelon being dubbed “Natural Viagra” is a tad bit misleading. Not enough research has been conducted to give the tasty fruit this title. If you’re curious to see if it works, it doesn’t hurt to add watermelon to your diet. However, if you’re diabetic or have high blood pressure, please consult with your doctor first.
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